Today I received an angry phone call from Captain Sensible our very own Vera James. He was asking for clarification on when a hole in 1 is not a hole 1.
I replied that I didn't have a clue what he was ranting about.
"It's terrible absolutely shocking just can't believe a fellow Hacker would treat me and others like that".
Eventually I got him to calm down and take a deep breath and explain why he was so upset.
"That wee Bilbo Gibson got a hole in 1at the 5th then departed from the clubhouse and never put a bottle out" he snarled.
"Why not" ? I asked
"It was a winter green and Bilbo said they don"t count" was his reply.
"He has a point" I answered him.
That started him foaming at the mouth again like a rabid dog.
"You can go fuck yourself as well I"m no phoning you again for support and your just saying that anyway because he tiles floors for you" !!!!
"Get a grip and calm down you don't even drink" I told him
"Hello Hello"
That was the end of todays Mr Angry phone call.
These 2 are meant to be pals.
Could be fun tomorrow !!!
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