Paul "Vera" James continues to expand since he stopped smoking and when I showed him the photo he said "It's the jumper making me look like that as it's only a medium size and a bit tight now".
The last time you wore a medium jumper was at high school. I asked him if he wanted to be Porky 1 or 2 and he said there was no way he was going to be number 2 to John "Nae" Wynn.
It certainly was nae win for John on Sunday in the Thomson McCrone match at Hayston where him and his partner Stevie "Ma Card "Paul got beat 3-2.
This defeat didn't stop John getting stuck into the pork sausages at the dinner and he point blankly refused to share 6 huge sausages with anyone and took great delight in waving them in Veras's nose.
So I think I will rename them PORTLY AND PORKY.
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